Data Protection


Data Protection

The concept of data protection

Data protection is defined as the protection process that involves collecting data and how to disclose it, in addition to the need for the public and users to understand the foundations of political and legal privacy of that data, and this process aims to strike a balance between individual privacy rights with the ability to use data for commercial purposes, as well as Data protection is known as data privacy or information privacy. [1] Data Protection Act The Data Protection Act of 2018 governs how personal information is used by institutions, companies, or the government, and this law is also the application of the kingdom This is based on the necessity for officials to adhere to strict rules called "principles of data protection" when using personal data, and must ensure that the data is used legally, for specific and clear purposes, and in an appropriate manner

Data protection methods

Use strong passwords

People use many passwords to protect their personal data, which is why it is recommended that you use password management software in order to keep new passwords for all accounts, as these programs can create strong passwords, enter data automatically, and be reminded to update passwords Periodically, the following can be followed to protect password data:

  • Use long passwords of twenty characters or more.
  • Uses many characters and the same password should not be used for more than one site.
  • Passwords should not be shared or written down.
  • Passwords must be updated periodically, at least once every six months.

Use antivirus software

Anti-virus protection programs must be used to protect and install data from known and reliable sources, and all virus and drive definitions must be updated in order to ensure the effectiveness of antivirus programs.

Use a firewall

Data can be protected by using a firewalls such as Windows Firewall, which can be run by clicking on “Start” and selecting “Control Panel,” then choosing “System and Security,” then clicking “Check the status of a firewall.” Protection, "and if Windows Firewall is turned off, it must be restarted.